" METAPHYSICAL SERVICES AVAILABLE " " " " " " GRAPHIC ASTROLOGICAL CHARTS " " " " These are the standard astrology wheels in graphic printed form. " "There is the standard type and many others for those already familiar " "with astrology. The wheels are printed with 'glyphs' like you usually " "see in books. " " These are some of the charts offered: " " NATAL (Birth Charts) " " PROGRESSIONS " " RETURNS " " Scores of options available " " " " " " ASTROLOGICAL REPORTS " " " " These are printed reports which run up to 45 pages long. The NATAL " "report delineates your birth chart. It gives you an overall view of " "your life potential. If you have never read an astrological Natal " "report, you would find this quite interesting. It gives you a " "description that includes things you might not have been aware of up " "to now. " " " " The TRANSIT report gives you a day by day description of what is " "happening. An excellent way to have a little insight into how the day " "will go before it starts. A great way to know if it is a GOOD day to " "do the things you COULD do. " " " " The PROGRESSION report is about the 'inner' cycle and explains how " "we are changing inwardly more than with the world in general. " " " " These are the major reports offered at this time: " " NATAL (Up to 45 pages) " " PROGRESSIONS " " TRANSITS (Present/Future) " " RELOCATION " " COMPATIBILITY " " " " " " OTHER " " " " TAROT NUMEROLOGY LOTTO BIORYTHM " " " " " " FOR THOSE FAMILIAR WITH ASTROLOGY: " " ---------------------------------- " " " " ARABIC PARTS (Software): This program offers the ability to " "calculate up to 999 different parts with the formulas YOU want to " "work with. You are able to use the standard planets, major asteroids, " "trans Neptunian bodies, Zero degrees of all signs, and you can enter " "your own special points to use. All in all you are able to use over " "100 points in any of the A+B-C points of the formula. There is no DEMO" "or shareware version of this program. It is a speciality program for " "those on at least an intermediate level of astrology. " " "